First thing you just have to do right click on the start icon and go to run

Type services. MSc and hit ok
Find the windows updates and right click on windows updates and go to properties

Select disable then apply and ok

And if you want to disable it permanently we can do the second step

Press window and R key so once you have typed regedit and hit ok

Go to “H” key local machine and then go to software and on policies

Now in windows just do a right click and go to new and click on key Type windows update

Once you type windows update just hit enter

Right click on windows update and click on new select key
Type AU and hit enter
Once you do that select AU and the right-hand side just do a right click on new and select DWORD (32-bit) value
Type no auto update and hit enter
Just double click on that here we need to give value 1 to disable and hit ok

Here your windows update is permanently disable

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